Post by pajaro cerebro on May 31, 2018 16:26:46 GMT -7
When he isn't holding or sometimes being a hothead, Gresham is a good dude. I still think he's overpaid and at times frustrating, but it's easy for me to give him a pass when he does stuff like this. Teammates love him. When I went to the Jets game on MNF a couple years ago, I was sitting behind the south endzone. I noticed Gresham kneeling by himself with no one within 10 yards of him during warm ups under the goalpost. He was praying for quite a while. And led the prayer circle after the game.
I know not all follow Jesus, but in my economy, I have to admire a man that has fame and millions in the bank yet still realizes his need to genuflect and seek counsel with the Creator of the universe. A lot pay lip service. Very few walk the walk.
If the above paragraph is out of line with board guidelines or etiquette, let me know and I'll cut it out in future posts.
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on May 31, 2018 16:50:37 GMT -7
I love it! WWJD.
Devil's Advocate
Posts: 104
Post by WhyOwhy on May 31, 2018 16:50:46 GMT -7
Cool story for sure. Next time he gets ridiculous penalty at a horrible time in a game, he gets a pass, just ONE though.
Post by End Zone on May 31, 2018 17:41:57 GMT -7
The Commish should pay back the $50. The NFL got great press from his goodwill gesture. This news beats most other NFL player highlights this past year.
Post by Zaz on May 31, 2018 17:47:37 GMT -7
Theres a good "held up" pun here